今日生物 Biology Today 2023年1月高清无水印电子版PDF

今日生物 Biology Today 2023年1月 True PDF电子版下载。

概述:Biology Today is one among the four competitive magazines published by MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. With a readership of more than one crore readers, MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. is a pioneer in the education publishing business in India, catering to the needs of IIT and PMT aspirants. Established in 1982, the group is committed to improving the quality of science education, enhancing students’ interest in science, fostering their analytical ability and, most importantly helping thousands of young engineering and medical aspirants to become successful professionals – their cherished dream. Biology Today supplies the essential material such as important texts, sample papers, previous years’ papers, flowcharts and memory tips required for achieving success in pre-medical.

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