
ImagineFX 2024.1 True PDF电子版下载。概述:如果你喜欢画画,那么《ImagineFX》就是为你准备的。《ImagineFX》 汇集了世界上最好的幻想和科幻艺术家的深入研讨会,加上画廊和采访,社区新闻和产品评论。无论您是专业艺术家、艺术学生还是出于爱好而创作艺术,《ImagineFX》 的每一页都充满了来自我们世界著名艺术家团队的无与伦比的建议,他们为您带来定制的、深入的数字和传统艺术研讨会、技巧和技术。 我们是唯一一-本致力于幻想和科幻数字艺术的杂志。除了每一期,您还将获得专业艺术家的独家视频指导、高分辨率多层工作室文件、免费画笔、纹理和参考图像。你不会从任何其他杂志上获得这种水平的内容。


Overview: If you love to paint, then ImagineFX is just for you. IlmagineFX is packed to the rafters with an eclectic mixture of in-depth workshops from the world’s best fantasy and sci-fi artists, plus galleries and interviews, community news and product reviews. Whether you’re a professional artist, an art student or just create art for a hobby, each page of ImagineFX is flled with unrivalled advice from our team of world-famous artists who bring you bespoke, in-depth digital and traditional art workshops, tips and techniques. We’re the only magazine dedicated to fantasy and sci-fi digital art. Alongside each issue, you’ll get exclusive video tuition from professional artists, hi-res multi-layered workshop files, free brushes, textures and reference images. You won’t get this level of content from any other magazine.


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